Application & Registration

Registration now open!
Notification of successful application: beginning of June

Application Deadline: April 30th, 2025

Please read carefully the information on who the Summer School is aimed at and what the focus is:

Who is this school for?

The school combines teaching at an advanced level on spectroscopic methods of relevance to molecular transition metal complexes, with instruction on how to employ ORCA as the quantum chemical software to compute relevant spectroscopic parameters from first principles. The candidates must be interested in both aspects and in their combination. This point should come across clearly from the motivation letter (see below). 

Candidates who are primarily interested only in spectroscopy or only in quantum chemistry will be better served by other workshops that focus on each one of these aspects separately. Note that the school deals exclusively with molecular chemistry. Materials science and heterogeneous systems are not addressed.

What are the requirements for participation?

The students should already be familiar with the fundamentals of transition metal and coordination chemistry, spectroscopy, and quantum chemistry at an advanced undergraduate level. Familiarity with the basic working practices of computational chemistry is required.

Students have to bring their own laptops. ORCA should be preinstalled and the students must have already confirmed that ORCA is working successfully on their laptops by performing test calculations such as those described in the ORCA manual.

It is also mandatory to bring a poster on your own research work which you can present during one of our Poster Sessions. We are looking forward to seeing everyone taking this opportunity to present their research activities and to discuss those with others in a casual and nice atmosphere.

What should be included in the motivation letter?

The motivation letter should clearly state the academic level/stage of the student, the nature of their current project, and their research interests. Delineate how you expect to benefit in practice from the school and from the specific combination of spectroscopy and quantum chemistry. The background knowledge and experience in the topics listed in the requirements above should be clearly described.


As the number of participants is limited to 50, there will be an appliation and selection process.
A committee will review all applications and make a selection of participants.

Application process

Notification of successful application: beginning of June

We will inform you about the status of your application in early June.
If your application is successful, you will then receive all further information on registration including payment processing.
The registration fee for the Summer School is € 500,-

Application form

You can apply for participation in the Summer School below.

In addition to your details, you will need to upload a motivation letter (why do you want to participate in the Summer School) and a letter of recommendation from a supervisor.
Please upload both files as PDF (max. 1 MB). Please also give us a tentative title for your poster. If you are selected to take part in the summer school, we will ask you for a final title and a short abstract as part of the requirements to confirm your registration.
Please name the files as follows

  1. LetterOfMotivation_FirstnameLastname
  2. LetterOfRecommendation_FirstnameLastname

Important notes

  1. The registration fee includes: participation to all lectures and practical sessions, and all meals (lunch, dinner, coffee breaks). Expenses for accommodation are not included. Participants are required to book their own hotel rooms. We have a few hotel recommendations for you.
  2. Unfortunately, we cannot offer any scholarships or funding for this school.
  3. All participants are expected to bring their own laptop computers.

Please read our privacy policy before submitting the form.


